Keracunan Masal! Peristiwa Mengerikan di Kebaktian Subuh Nias!


Keracunan Masal! Peristiwa Mengerikan di Kebaktian Subuh Nias!

NIAS INFO | Hari ini, kawasan Kecamatan Hiliduho, Kabupaten Nias, dikejutkan dengan berita kurang menyenangkan. Sebuah insiden keracunan makanan telah merenggut kesehatan 38 warga jemaat gereja BNKP Dima Resort 27. Akibatnya, mereka harus mendapatkan perawatan medis di Puskesmas setempat dan RS Thomsen Nias.


Keracunan Masal! Peristiwa Mengerikan di Kebaktian Subuh Nias!

AKP Sonifati Zalukhu, Kapolsek Hiliduho, menuturkan peristiwa tersebut kepada Kasi Humas Polres Nias, Iptu Osiduhugo Daeli. Dikatakan bahwa insiden tersebut terjadi pada saat kebaktian subuh, ketika jemaat menikmati santapan yang disajikan oleh panitia.


“Pada saat kebsktian subuh untuk merayakan Paskah, panitia menyajikan 100 kotak nasi catering yang mereka pesan dari salah satu restoran lokal di Desa Dahana Tabaloho, Gunungsitoli.” kata AKP Sonifati Zalukhu.


Namun, tak lama setelah makanan tersebut disantap, beberapa warga jemaat menderita gejala-gejala keracunan, mulai dari mual, pusing, hingga mencret. Akibatnya, 34 orang harus mendapatkan perawatan medis di Puskesmas Hiliduho dan empat lainnya dirawat di RS Thomsen Nias.


Dari ke-38 orang tersebut, mayoritas telah diperbolehkan pulang pagi hari ini sekitar pukul 7.40 wib. “Dari 34 orang yang dirawat di Puskesmas Hiliduho, 26 orang sudah dinyatakan sembuh. Sementara itu, 3 orang di RS Thomsen Nias juga sudah dinyatakan sembuh. Sisanya masih dalam masa pemulihan.” tambah AKP Sonifati Zalukhu.


Kapolres Nias, AKBP Revi Nurvelani, telah memerintahkan Polsek Hiliduho, Sat Reskrim, dan Sat Intelkam Polres Nias untuk mengawasi dan menyelidiki insiden ini lebih lanjut.


“Tim kami sedang berusaha mendapatkan keterangan dari panitia, dan juga dari korban. Kami juga sudah mendatangi restoran yang melayani catering, dan mengambil sampel makanan serta air mineral untuk diuji.” kata Kapolres.


Sampel makanan tersebut akan dianalisis oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Nias dan laboratorium Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sumut.


Tak hanya itu, Wakapolres Nias, Sk. Harefa dan Kapolsek Hiliduho, AKP Sonifati Zalukhu, telah mendatangi RS. Thomsen Nias hari ini untuk mengunjungi para korban.


“Investigasi terus berlanjut dan kita berharap bisa menemukan asal-usul permasalahan ini secepat mungkin.” pungkas Kapolres.



Mass Poisoning! Horrifying Incident at the Nias Morning Service!

Today, the Hiliduho District area, Nias Regency, was shocked by unpleasant news. A food poisoning incident claimed the health of 38 members of the BNKP Dima Resort 27 church congregation. As a result, they had to receive medical treatment at the local health center and Thomsen Nias Hospital.


AKP Sonifati Zalukhu, Head of Hiliduho Police, related the incident to the Head of Public Relations of Nias Police, Iptu Osiduhugo Daeli. It was said that the incident occurred during the morning service, when the congregation was enjoying the food served by the committee.


“During the morning prayer service to celebrate Easter, the committee served 100 boxes of catering rice which they ordered from a local restaurant in Dahana Tabaloho Village, Gunungsitoli.” said AKP Sonifati Zalukhu.


However, not long after eating the food, several members of the congregation suffered symptoms of poisoning, ranging from nausea, dizziness, to diarrhea. As a result, 34 people had to receive medical treatment at the Hiliduho Community Health Center and four others were treated at Thomsen Nias Hospital.


Of the 38 people, the majority were allowed to go home this morning at around 7.40 WIB. “Of the 34 people treated at the Hiliduho Community Health Center, 26 people have been declared cured. Meanwhile, 3 people at Thomsen Nias Hospital have also been declared cured. The rest are still recovering.” added AKP Sonifati Zalukhu.


Nias Police Chief, AKBP Revi Nurvelani, has ordered the Hiliduho Police, Criminal Investigation Unit, and Nias Police Intelligence and Security Unit to monitor and investigate this incident further.


“Our team is trying to get information from the committee and also from the victim. We have also visited restaurants that provide catering and took samples of food and mineral water for testing.” said the Police Chief.


The food samples will be analyzed by the Nias District Health Service and the North Sumatra Provincial Education Service laboratory.


Not only that, Deputy Chief of Police for Nias, Sk. Harefa and Hiliduho Police Chief, AKP Sonifati Zalukhu, have visited the hospital. Thomsen Nias today to visit the victims.


“The investigation continues and we hope to find the origin of this problem as quickly as possible.” concluded the Police Chief.

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  1. […] NIAS INFO | Senin, 1 April 2024 menjadi momen bersejarah bagi Gereja Kemenangan Iman Indonesia (GKII) Kota Gunungsitoli, Nias dan sekitarnya. Wali Kota Gunungsitoli, Sowa’a Laoli, S.E., M.Si, menghiasi perayaan mereka dengan kehadirannya yang penuh semangat. […]

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